In Disney's Frozen 2, Anna and Olaf embark on an epic adventure far beyond Arendelle. This Anna doll is inspired by her character in the film with a movie-inspired molded yellow outfit featured in Frozen 2. This Frozen toy set also comes with an Olaf figure and a basket accessory to pretend they're ready for all of their travels. Imagine all the adventures the two faithful friends can take! Collect the Disney Frozen dolls and playsets (each sold separately) to recreate familiar scenes with characters like Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Sven, and Kristoff who kids know and love. Give this set of Disney Frozen small dolls as a holiday gift or birthday present for kids ages 3 and up who love to imagine exploring the magical world of Arendelle and beyond! 3+

Disney Frozen II Doll And Friends Anna & Olaf

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