IT'S MORPHIN TIME! From the Beast Morphers back to the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Power Rangers have brought teamwork, action, and adventure to fans of all ages. The legacy continues with figures, vehicles, collectibles, and roleplay toys from Hasbro, celebrating ranger teams from Mighty Morphin to the Beast Morphers. (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.) Imagine all the action of Power Rangers with toys from Hasbro! Imagine calling on the power of the Beast Chopper Converting Zord and battling the Power Rangers' toughest enemies. Convert from robotic Jackrabbit Mode, ready for a fight, to Chopper Mode, ready to fly to the next place Zord power is needed. And, combined with Beast Racer Converting Zord and the Beast Wheeler Converting Zord (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.), kids can build the Beast- X Megazord to imagine taking on even more powerful foes. Go Go Power Rangers!

Power Rangers Beast Morphers Dual Converting Zords Beast Chopper Converting Zord

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