D-O: DROID: Cobbled from odds and ends in the workshop of a droidsmith, little D-O is an impressionable little roller that becomes fixated upon BB-8 STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER: Fans and collectors can imagine scenes from the Star Wars Galaxy with this interactive rev-and-go sparking D-O toy, inspired by the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker movie SPARK AND GO ACTION: Rev up the D-O toy and send the rolling droid sparking along! Once the rolling droid is revved up 3 times, release to watch D-O race forward while lighting up with bright sparks IMAGINATIVE GALACTIC PLAY: This exciting Star Wars D-O interactive rolling droid toy inspires adventurous imaginative play for kids ages 4 and up LOOK FOR OTHER TOYS FROM A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY: Look for movie- and entertainment-inspired Star Wars toys (Each sold separately. Subject to availability) to build a Star Wars galaxy Cobbled from odds and ends in the workshop of a droidsmith, little D-O is an impressionable little roller that becomes fixated upon BB-8! Launch into hyperdrive action with the Spark and Go D-O droid toy! Imagine all of the exciting moments of adventure alongside the impressionable little droid and speeding into galactic battle alongside the Resistance! With the Spark and Go D-O vehicle, it’s easy to imagine the galactic adventures of the expressive droid and loyal friend to BB-8! Just set the D-O toy down on a flat surface, rev up the droid 3 times, and watch D-O take off into total Star Wars action! When D-O zooms into action the droid lights up with bright sparks! 4+

Star Wars E9 Spark And Go Droid D-0

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