Battery Powered Rolling-Stock Set 

With a blue engine, this battery powered rolling-stock set amusingly wiggles and wobbles! Let it loose on the track and watch the cargo in one car bounce up and down while the pumps in the other car spin round and round.

1. Switch on the train and place it on the track. 2. Watch the cargo in one car bounce up and down, while the pumps in the other car spin round and round.

Recommended Age: 3Y+
Package Dimensions: 300 x 150 x 50 mm
Product Dimensions: 290 x 50 x 35 mm

Hape Battery Powered Rolling-Stock Set

Tax included.

4 payments of $12.50

Sale prices where applicable are available online and at participating stores.
Product prices and availability may vary, from store to store. Please contact your local store for more information.